My colleagues of the EmSys group:
* Tom Tierens
* Wim Dams
* Philip Van Pelt
* Johan Van Bauwel
* Lars Struyf
* Patrick Pelgrims
and one of our students: David Nelissen.
Without them the network and computer labs would never have been up, let alone running relatively stable.
Also helping us were with catering and booth duty:
* Bart Elsen
* José Millián Soto
* Ruben Dezeure
And the technical staff of the campus:
* Dirk Swiggers
* Alois Budts
For putting up with all those "geeks" "hacking" in the computer labs.
Leo Schoeters for getting us some exposure on a local TV-station.

Peter Mathijssen made the logo and banners for the website.
We've rented equipment for video recording and power which were kindly supplied to use at a very steep discount by Koen Buys of KB Design.
Lot's of people were involved in organizing Akademy 2008. I'm sure next years team will be even bigger and the quality and "glitch-free"-ness will be the proof of that.
Thanks to all of them for making Akademy 2008 a wonderful experience.
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